Once there, we proceded to make the one hour climb to the top of the mountain (I have the name of the mountain, just not right now). The goal was to make it there for sunrise. We didn't quite make that but the morning was pretty hazy anyway. The pictures below are from the trip. The group photo is those of us who went from here. From left to right, Thomas, Bruno, myself, Jaap, Cath and Larry.
At the top, the French contingent broke out a couple bottles of wine, fresh bread and cheese. We settled for some water, power bars and crunchies (trail mix). It was a nice view and a good break in the routine. We headed back down and made it back to base around 1030am.
Anyway, that's about it. I think I may have figured out this blog thing. I'll load the pictures during the day, save the draft and then come back to add the comments at night. Note that I cannot access this website from work any more, as the 'fun police' have blocked all such sites.
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