Friday, November 13, 2009

Third photo

Alright, finally, this is a picture of our Marine Corps Birthday cake cutting ceremony. LTG Rodriguez (Army 3-star general) and MajGen Redner (Marine 2-star general) were there, along with all of the Marines pictured, which is just about all of the Marines who work on this base. It was done at 7am in the morning, so it was probably 30-32 degrees Fahrenheit outside.

This was obviously taken at my base (KAIA) here in Kabul. We're standing inside a circle of flags representing all of the nations there. And you can see those tents in the background - I live in one of those. Then there's the mountains in the far background. I'm getting some pictures of that other stuff (especially my tent so you can all see where/how I live) and I'll get those up in the next few days.


  1. Hey scott,

    The pictures are great! Do me a favor and take photos of things you think are stupid but that we all think are fascinating like your plate at dinner time, you walk to work, the entrance to the base camp, or the sand. In a few weeks, it will all become 'normal' to you and you won't think to record it.

    I also like the tidbits about the Kuwaiti lifestyle like the abandoned Mercedez and the monthly stipend... cheers!

  2. Got it...plenty of pictures of random stuff. I'm working on it. Though there's not a whole lot here..I'll do my best :)

  3. Maybe you manage to pick up one of the dented Mercedes on your way back as well.. I am sure Tana would appreciate it?! ;-)
