Sunday, October 18, 2009

Lazy weekend

So Friday night I headed up to the Norfolk, VA area to see the Bannisters. It was a good night of visiting with April, Tony and their two beautiful daughters. Tony and I managed a few beers while discussing way too much work. Anyway, good times; thanks.

Saturday I returned back to Cherry Point. Watched the Iowa Hawkeyes keep their undefeated record going. Other than a short run and a birthday call to my Pops, pretty quiet day.

Today has been even more worthless for me. Just enjoying a full slate of NFL games, including a 59-0 Patriots beatdown.

Up next on my schedule is my last day at the rifle range tomorrow. I have to meet up at the armory at 6am and head down to Camp Lejeune for a full day of shooting. It's not scored this time, so just need to get it done. Then Tuesday I'll head back down to Camp Lejeune for some sort of neurology testing. Basically they get a 'baseline' of your brain functions so that they can test for concussions and other things after the deployment. Takes less than an hour, but an hour drive each way and it should take most of the day. That's about it for now.

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