So, another day here and not much different. Things at work are picking up a bit, which is a good thing since it makes the time go by faster. Larry (Team USA) left for two weeks of R&R (rest and recuperation leave) back in Germany (where he's stationed and his family is). Can't remember if I've already covered this, but R&R policies between countries is a bit interesting. For Team USA, you get 2 weeks for 12 months deployed. Hence why I do not get any (only a six month deployment). On the other end of the spectrum is Team Norway who get four weeks (on up to three different trips) for a six month deployment. So you throw a couple of travel days on either end of each trip and the Norwegians are gone for six weeks out of their six month deployment. On top of that, they get paid something ridiculous like an extra 300 Euros ($500) per day. Not too shabby.
Tonight we did have a USO Tour stop through. Again, one of my favorite charities. Rose McGowan (Gilmore Girls, I think), 'Tony' and 'Paule' from the Sopranos, and a New Orleans Saints football player (an offensive linemen who didn't even have his Super Bowl ring) were on this trip. As always, despite jetlag and general exhaustion, they put on their best show and graciously signed autographs and took pictures. Always nice for any break in the monotony here.
I traded Bruno (Team France) an MRE (Meal Ready to Eat) for one of the French rations. I'll have to get a picture here soon and post. It cracks me up as it's relatively big and heavy because "we must have our wine" as Bruno tells me. I think I'll bring this one home and have a romantic MRE dinner with the wife.
Anyway, apologize for the random and 'non-flowing' thoughts. Oh, thank you Sebastian, Cheryl and Melissa for posting a comment; nice to know someone is bored enough to read this :)
I'll post a few pictures tonight while the connection is good. One is me and Paule from the USO tour tonight. One is a couple of local 'Afghani muts' who call KAIA home. And the last two is of our wonderous NATO medal parade which I'll have to explain more on another post. Hopefully you can figure out which picture is which :)