For whatever reason, I've always tried to keep this blog focused on my experiences leading up to and in Afghanistan. Well, for at least once, I have to deviate from that. On February 17
th, my wife Lindsey and I were blessed to welcome our new daughter into the world, Ella Mai.
She was a healthy 7lbs, 12 oz, or 3.5
kgs as I have come to appreciate in
Team NATO world. Both Ella and mama are doing well and should be leaving the hospital as I type this. For the record, Mai is pronounce 'my' (did you ever go to the bar and order a 'May
Tai'?) and is Japanese for 'true love' (a nod to where she was conceived :)
Although I was not able to be there for the birth, I was fortunate to be able to talk to Lindsey for the last hour and half leading up to her delivery. Her sister was able to share some photos (via cell phone) within a few minutes. As Lindsey and I always say, "it could always be worse", we're extremely blessed and I look forward to getting home in a couple months to say hello to Ella in person.
While we're on the subject (of non-deployment related issues), I must say that I left Japan back in October, leaving behind my pregnant wife in a foreign country while fighting military paperwork to get her sent home to Massachusetts in time. So in addition to the normal worrying about a deployment and dealing with your first time pregnancy, Lindsey had to deal with getting the approval to get her home (and before she was 'too pregnant' to fly), packing up everything in Japan, moving in to our new house (which we bought a few weeks earlier), setting up all the services for the new house (oil, cable, etc.), outfitting the house (arranging our shipments from Japan as well as stuff we had in storage before moving), buying all the baby
necessities (minus all the wonderful gifts we received at her baby shower), all while keeping her health and sanity. As I'm sure you all can appreciate, no easy task(s). Thank you for a wonderful wife, I definitely have the easy job and will try to make up for it once I get home :)